TurboardSponsor |
: ürkiye'de sektörde en iyi is zekasi araçlarina ihtiyaciniz var mi? Turboard.com'da, veri analizi için Python, iyi programlama dili kullanilarak yazilmis is zekasi stratejisi sunuyoruz. 70 milyondan fazla kisi, saglik hizmetleriyle ilgili tam detaylar ve ham verilerden gerçek zamanli yetenekler de dahil olmak üzere son derece basarili projeler üzerinde uygulamali deneyimlerimiz var. |
+90 312 210 15 12 | View ProfileAnkara, Ankara Turkey |
CokakapiSponsor |
Çilingiroglu çesitli otomatik kapi ve kepenk sistemlerini kendi bünyesinde imal eder. Döner, fotoselli ve her türlü otomatik kapi sistemlerinin lider markasi. 42 bayi ve 28 ülkeye ihracat ile yalnizca Türkiye’nin degil Dünya’nin markasi |
+90 212 224 40 28 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey |
CODE Satis Egitimi - Satis GelistirmeSponsor |
Code Professional and Corporate Sales Training has been prepared with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of replacing the sales department of business life as a showcase company. Successive is offered as a program that combines the three main sales training. Reviewed by academics of the human psychology of selling science and practical training provided by considering the customer's behavior is given Experiences exactly the professional sales team. Visit http://www.satismuhendisligi.com/ |
+902122873152 | View ProfileISTANBUL, ISTANBUL Turkey |
ACHI BIZ SERVICES PTE. LTD. in Singapore is a Corporate Service Provider (CSP) duly registered with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) UEN: 201415822C and Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Employment Agency (EA) Licence No.: 18C9185. ACHI is A Corporate Hallmark of International Biz Services for Incorporation, Corporate Secretarial, Compliance, Biz Consultancy, Book-Keeping, Accounting, Taxation, H.R Functions, Payroll, Immigration, Employment Cum Recruitment Agency, Etc under one roof. |
(+65) 69048665 | View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey |
Polat Hukuk BürosuSponsor |
Polat Law Office is willing and ready to provide the best legal service possible with all its staff and other personnel and to produce solutions in real life. Polat Law Office does not respond to the needs of all kinds of individual and institutional clients; |
+90 352 211 11 11 | View ProfileKocasinan, Kayseri Turkey |
Ameliyat FiyatlariSponsor |
Bir operatörün tedavi veye teshis gayesiyle hastanin vücudu üzerinde yaptigi yarma, kesme ve dikme islemleri. Cerrahi müdahale, sirüji 1500 sene öncesinden beri aynen kullanilan ve genel bir müdahaleyi ifade eden “ cerrahi ” kelimesi, Ameliyat tekniklerini ve bununla ilgili diger bilgileri anlatan bir ilimdir.Tibbi konulardaki eski bilgilerin çogu ameliyatlar ile ilgilidir. Eski Roma ve Yunan medeniyetlerinden yazilagelmis eserlerde o zamanlar yapilan basit ameliyatlardan bahsedilmektedir. |
NA | View ProfileTurkey |
Te FenceSponsor |
TE-FENCE is a production and export trademark of the TMEC INTERNATIONAL group, based in Istanbul, Turkey.TE-FENCE specializes in the design, production and exportation of fencing systems such as flexible fences (simple or double torsion mesh), rigid panel fences, temporary fences for worksites, concertina wire, barbed wire, gates and doors, as well as fencing systems for sports facilities. |
+90 216 337 0540 | View ProfileISTANBUL, Turkey |
Module T FRSponsor |
Module-T est une marque de production du groupe TMEC qui est basé à Istanbul en Turquie. Module-T est spécialisé dans la Conception, Fabrication et Installation de bungalows et bâtiments modulaires préfabriqués entièrement équipés sur les chantiers des entreprises opérant dans les domaines du bâtiment travaux publics, pétroliers, gaziers et miniers. |
2163370540 | View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey |
RegencyExpo hakkindaSponsor |
RegencyExpo hakkinda , 15 yili askin süredir Dubai ve Istanbul’da ofisi bulunan lider bir fuar sirketidir.Biz, Güneydogu Asya, Orta Dogu ve Avrupa ülkelerinde sadece yerel olarak degil, ayni zamanda uluslararasi ve bölgesel fuarlar düzenlemekte ve organize etmekteyiz.Regencyexpo; yetenekli, genç ve dinamik ekibiyle, ihtiyaç duyulan yeterli deneyime sahiptir ve birçok büyüyen endüstriye hizmet etmistir.Çesitli sektörlerle kurulan stratejik ortakliklar sayesinde kazanilan endüstri deneyimi ve bilgimiz, organizasyon yönetimi yetenekleriyle birlestiginde, Regencyexpo’ya sektöründe rekabet avantaji kazandirmaktadir. Bu, Regencyexpo’yu 1 numarali tercih edilen fuar yönetim sirketi yapan benzersiz gücüdür.Regency Expo; Fuar alani, stand yapimi, standiniz için ekipman hazirlama, vize, konaklama hizmetleri gibi birçok hizmet sunmaktadir.Sizi, 450’den fazla uluslararasi seçkin müsterimiz arasinda görmek bizim için büyük bir memnuniyettir. |
+90212560 60 62 | View ProfileBakirköy, Turkey |
BorsabenimisimSponsor |
https://borsabenimisim.com/Döviz, Borsa, Hisse Senetleri, Canli Borsa Mynet, Güncel Borsa, Borsa nasil Oynanir, Borsa nedir, Borsa Gündem, Bigpara, Aselsan hisse, thy hisse, canli borsa, petkim hisse, bist 100, hisse net, canli borsa, fener hisse, gs hisse, garanti hisse, mynet borsa, borsa istanbul, pegasus hisse, tüpras hisse, bjk hisse, borsagundem, türk hava yollari hisse, gs hisse |
View Profileankara, Turkey |
Fo ConsultancySponsor |
FO Consultancy is a consulting firm specialized in foreigners’ law of Turkey. Company formation for foreigners, Turkish Citizenship by Investment, and Trademark Registration in Turkey are our major services. Our preliminary consulting is completely free. Please consult us for further details. |
+905324840988 | View ProfileEyüpsultan,, Istanbul Turkey |
ERAI TurkeySponsor |
ERAI Turkey offers several simple and complete services that will allow your company to succeed directly and efficiently in developing your business in Turkey such as: - Market research, feasibility studies ?- Search for commercial or industrial partners ?- Salary portage - Rental of offices or meeting rooms - Recruitment ?- Domiciliation- Quality control?- Back office sales ?- Accounting, administrative and legal management Thanks to the expertise of more than 10 years in the field, you will start your steps towards the Turkish market in an assisted way thanks to the qualified, bilingual and expert team of the Turkish market. ERAI Turkey aimed to understand and help you to understand the Turkish market in order to develop appropriate strategies, based on our core values: RESPONSIBILITY, COMPETENCE, EFFICIENCY AND VERSATILITY, MOTIVATION and CONFIDENCE. Please visit our website for more information. |
+90 216 463 33 66 | View ProfileIstanbul, Kadiköy Turkey |
Dorian ConsultingSponsor |
We, as Dorian Consulting, conduct market research and follow up the mail in three different languages for companies which do not have a Foreign Trade department. We follow the procedures for finding potential customers, export, sales and after sales. Besides these, we prepare the documents which required for export and we follow the customs procedures. We make the organisation for the domestic and international transportation and follow the delivery process of the sold products to the customer. In addition, we also give you services such as following up import and export procedures, management of your Social Media accounts.While Dorian Consulting offers you quality service with professional team, you can reach more information from here about our services which we have collected under three main topics. |
View ProfileIzmir, 35 Turkey |
PratikDepoSponsor |
PratikDepo, esyalarin güvenli ve profesyonel olarak saklanmasina yarayan ve anahtari sadece kullanicisinda bulunan, sigortali bir esya depolama hizmetidir. 2007 yilinda modern hayatin yasam alanlarini daraltan sikintilarina çözüm bulmak amaciyla, bireysel ihtiyaçlardan yola çikilarak kurulmustur. Kuruldugu günden bu yana Istanbul, Izmir ve Ankara’da basarili bir sekilde esya depolama alaninda hizmet vermeye devam etmektedir. |
+90 444 33 76 | View ProfileKadikoy, Istanbul Turkey |
Dogru söyleyeni Getir’den kovarlarSponsor |
Getir has successfully removed our content detailing their crimes against delivery drivers and the general public The company is trying to hide its corporate crimes by disappearing us, Getir victims, from public view We are back! Hear Our Voice |
55555287419 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey |
Dingin YasamSponsor |
Farkindalik nedir ya da mindfulness nedir? Farkindalik temel olarak çevrenizin ve su anda orada meydana gelen seylerin farkinda olma ve olani oldugu gib, onu yargilamadani kabul etmektir. Yani tam bir kabulle, anda kalmak, simdide yasamaktir. Mindfulness yani farkindaligin ne oldugu ve insan yasamini nasil etkiledigi hakkinda daha derin bir görüs elde etmek istiyorsaniz, bu yazimiz tam size göre! |
3696584659 | View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey |