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Olympic Flame Turkey
Ilhami atilganSponsor
ilhami atilgan Icon
Ozon tedavisini Dünyada ilk kez Tüp Bebek ve Menopoz hastalarinda kullandigi basarili tedavilerinin ardindan 4. Dünya Ozon Kongresi’ne Italya Roma'da konusmaci olarak davet edilmis ve katilim göstermistir.
+9 0312 439 44 99 | View Profileankara, yildizevler Turkey
ANkara Estetik CerrahiSponsor
ANkara Estetik Cerrahi Icon
Bütünsel yaklasim, Kisisel çözümlerMesleki uygulamalarimda “Bütünsel yaklasimlari kisiye özgü” beklentilere göre her kisi için ayri ayri planliyorum. Degerlendirmelerimde Gestalt algi prensiplerine göre çalisiyor, plastik cerrahi ve özelde estetik (cerrahi) uygulamalarinin sanatsal çalismalardan ziyade sorumluluk ve bilgi gerektiren birer “tibbi uygulamalar” oldugunu düsünüyorum...
03122848676 | View ProfileAnkara, Turkey
Dr Rengin TurkgulerSponsor
Dr Rengin Turkguler Icon
Ameliyatsiz varis tedavisi hakkinda ayrinitli bilgilerin bulundugu bir site
+903122241314 | View ProfileAnkara, Ankara Turkey
Ritimport Automatic External DefibrillatorSponsor
Ritimport Automatic External Defibrillator Icon
With the RitimPort brand, Ritim Grup AS has become the new medical device manufacturer of ZZZZ by combining its extensive knowledge with its experienced R&D and manufacturing personnel, who have been engaged in the medical device manufacturing industry for more than a decade.By using state-of-the-art technology, Ritim Grup AS has set out to provide its customers with world-class solutions in the medical device industry. Having started its business in line with this objective, at the Teknopark, Ritim Grup AS commenced its R&D activities with its experienced, young and dynamic team to design fully automated defibrillator / semi-automated defibrillator / biphasic monitor defibrillator model devices.Pursuing its target to build a global brand, the company will continue to work at full throttle in order to become one of the largest in the global market.Please contact us for further information and any inquiries about Ritim Grup AS or our products.
View ProfileAnkara, Turkey
Emek Hasta YataklariSponsor
Emek Hasta Yataklari Icon
Hasta yataklari ayarlanabilir, genelde düsmeyi önleyici yan korkuluklari bulunur ve engelliler veya kronik hastalar için uygundur.
2126150588 | View ProfileBayrampasa, Istanbul Turkey
TerapistBursa Icon
Bursa Psikolog Psikiyatrist Psikoterapist Cinsel Terapist Uzm. Doktor Hatice ALKAN AKDAG. Bursa'nin en iyi psikiyatrist hekimi olan Hatice ALKAN AKDAG tüm sorunlariniza çözüm olmak amaciyla açtigi klinikte tüm bursa halkina hizmet vermektedir.TerapistBursa Sk. No:14, Cumhuriyet Mahallesi, 16140 Nilüfer/Bursa+90(532)-590-27-40
5325902740 | View ProfileBursa, Bursa Turkey
Cevre Hair Transplantation HospitalSponsor
Cevre Hair Transplantation Hospital Icon
Our team is composed of the most experienced physicians and hair surgery assistants in Turkey. It is a source of pride for our clinic to be one of the few clinics in Turkey that are able to apply both FUE (follicular unit extraction) and FUT (follicular unit transplantation), both of which are known as the outcome of the latest technology in hair transplantation, in world standards.
90 212 213 25 25 | View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey
Aesthetic TurkeySponsor
Aesthetic Turkey Icon
Aesthetic Turkey, the Jinemed Hospital, serve patient from not only in Europe but also in the United States, as a result of the high cost of some treatments and, especially for infertility patients, the fact that few people have insurance coverage for their family-building needs.
+90 850 420 10 70 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
ClinicSpots Icon
Clinicspots provides the best hair transplant in Turkey at affordable cost. It has best doctors who give consultation and provide successful surgery with advanced techniques.
8451897419 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
Clinic SpotsSponsor
Clinic Spots Icon
Find a Cost effective hair transplant treatment in Istanbul, Turkey. Visit at our website to find the best doctors for hair loss treatment.
0000000000 | View ProfileIstanbul, Marmara Turkey
Çamlica DentSponsor
Çamlica Dent Icon
Klinigimiz, Agiz, Dis ve Çene Cerrahisi Uzmani Dr. Bilal BASEL tarafindan, Istanbul’un nezih semtlerinden olan Üsküdar, Çamlica’da kurulmustur.
0216 520 20 98 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
Trasplantedepelo EstambulSponsor
Trasplantedepelo Estambul Icon
Trasplante de Pelo Estambul es líder en trasplante capilar en Turquía. Somos la única empresa que trabaja con los mejores centros capilares en Turquía: Expert Hair Transplant y Avrupa Saç Ekimi. Nuestras intervenciones se llevan en hospitales acreditados con JCI y en el mejor hospital universitario de Estambul, totalmente equipado y avanzado y en perfectas condiciones higiénicas. Nos preocupamos por satisfacer a nuestros pacientes. Les brindamos un seguimiento periódico después de la operación con tal de seguir el progreso hasta llegar al resultado anhelado.
0090 538 792 8989 | View Profileistanbul, Turkey
Emek SaglikSponsor
Emek Saglik Icon
Hasta yatagi sektöründe yirmi yili askin bir süredir imalatçi kimligiyle bilinen Emek Saglik, satis ve kiralama faaliyetleri ile de ürünlerini ihtiyaç sahipleriyle bulusturmaktadir. Portföyünde elektrikli hasta yataklari, ortopedik ve havali hasta yatagi gibi ürünler bulunan firma, hasta yatagi kiralama hizmetini Istanbul'da ve temsilciliklerinin bulundugu diger il ve ilçelerde vermektedir. Imal ettigi hasta yataklari oldukça saglam, konforlu ve güvenli olan Emek Saglik firmasinda her çesit motorlu medikal hasta yatagini bulabilirsiniz. Firma ürünlerini 2 yil garantili ve 10 yil yedek parça garantili olarak satisa sunmaktadir.
05349231906 | View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey
Emek Hasta YataklariSponsor
Emek Hasta Yataklari Icon
Hasta yatagi kiralama ve satis sektöründe yenilikçi yaklasim. Modern hasta yatagi ürünleri imal ediyoruz. Ürün ve hizmetlerimiz yatan hastalarin iyilesme süreçlerine konfor katarak hizlandirir. Firmamizda imal edilen tüm ürünler satilik veya kiralik olarak magazamizdan veya internet sitemizden alinabilir. Hasta yataklari, 2 motorlu, 3 motorlu veya 4 motorlu olarak temelde üç kategoriye ayrilmaktadir.
02126150588 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
Dr. Fulya Tezel DermatologySponsor
Dr. Fulya Tezel Dermatology Icon
Dr. Tezel was born in 1982 in Malatya. She graduated from Malatya Science High School in 2000. In 2006, she graduated from Hacettepe University and received her specialty from Gazi University Department of Dermatology. She completed her compulsory service in Konya Kulu State Hospital and joined many courses and certification programmes for her career development. Thus, she became one of the preferred specialist dermatologists in her major.In our clinic in Ankara, many dermatologist treatments are provided in addition to the ones for dermatologic diseases.
(0312) 284 11 44 | View ProfileAnkara, Turkey
Emek Hasta YataklariSponsor
Emek Hasta Yataklari Icon
Hasta yatagi satis sirketi. Uygun fiyatlarla hasta yatagi kiralama hizmetleri veriyoruz. Havali hasta yataklari satisi yapiyoruz.
3243223423 | View ProfileAbama, Turkey
Radikal MedikalSponsor
Radikal Medikal Icon
Hasta yatagi kiralama ve satis hizmetleri veren bir medikal firmasiyiz.
902126150588 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
Hasta Yatagi Kiralama IstanbulSponsor
Hasta Yatagi Kiralama Istanbul Icon
Hasta yataklarina hasta karyolasi da denilmektedir. Kiralik hasta yataklari model olarak en az 2 motorlu olarak faaliyet göstermektedir. Hasta karyolasi yatmakta olan hastayi oturur pozisyona sokmak için ayak kismini kaldirmaktayiz. Bu sayede yatmakta olan hasta oturarak kendisini rahat bir konumda hisseder. Kiralamak istediginiz hasta karyolasinin yaninda serum aski aparati, siltesi ve alevi ile beraber gelmektedir. Hasta karyolasi kiralama islemini yaptiktan sonra, kurulum için gelen teknik ekibimiz sizlere genel tanitim ve hasta yataginin nasil kullanilacagini açiklar. Bu hasta yataklarinin en temel özelliklerinden bir tanesi yatagin ön kisminin yemek yeme masasi ek olarak alinmaktadir. Günün her saati açik olan firmamizdan hasta yatagi kiralama Istanbul olarak, bu hizmeti bizden alabilirsiniz.
0541 211 03 22 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
Mediz TurkeySponsor
Mediz Turkey Icon
medical tourism turkey
View ProfileIstanbul, Select Turkey
Turkish Medical ServicesSponsor
Turkish Medical Services Icon
Turkish Medical Services (TMS) is a medical tourism company with experience spanning over a decade. TMS is a medical platform that helps people to be connected to the top-notch medical experts, doctors and hospitals in Turkey. Turkish Medical Services is an independent service provider that facilitates the best available medical treatments to patients who come to Turkey for critical health issues, wellness & cure, remedies, and care. At TMS, we help people find quality treatment within their budget, search for the best hospitals in Turkey to treat various ailments, view hospitals and the places at which the hospitals are located. We connect specialized doctor with patients using our experience in healthcare for a seamless experience. We also provide emergency medical evacuation & air ambulance services to-and-from anywhere in the world. Visit our website to request an appointment with the best doctors in Turkey!
+90 5374950444 | View ProfileMaltepe, Istanbul Turkey
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